
I T ' S   M Y   P A R  T Y

Nick and Brandon live together when Nick is diagnosed with HIV. Even though he promised Nick he won't leave him, Brandon finally does.

One year later, after some more blood tests are done, Nick is told he just has a few more days left to live because of lesions in the brain. He therefore decides to commit suicide but, before that, he wants to throw a big farewell party gathering all his friends (gays and straight), his familly and even his ex-boyfriend Brandon.
So during the 2 days the 'party' takes place, we get to see how he says goodbye to his loved ones and how they deal with his decision.

Devon's role:
Devon is in the first half of the movie. He is Andrew, Nick's gay nephew. He comes to the 'party' with his mother and is both very angry and sad in the same time when he understands that his uncle plans to commit suicide at the end of the weekend. Nevertheless, after Andrew's father (who is upset about his son who he can't talk with about his homosexuality) asked him to, Nick will take this last opportunity to have a serious talk with his nephew and give him some wise advices.

Video : It's my party
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